Resonance frequency simulation
Whether it is a Piezo buzzer or Magnetic buzzer, a resonant chamber or cavity is needed to increase the SPL of the product itself. Let's use a guitar, for example: if the guitar has only strings without the body, it would not be easy to hear the sound. The sound is amplified through a resonating body.

The chamber is a fundamental part of the buzzers. Strings create multiple frequencies while playing the guitar. However, the buzzer usually only has a single frequency (ex. 3.2KHz) that would be performing the highest SPL as a peak. The frequency we want relates to the chamber we design.

Kingstate has been designing and customizing the chamber and sound cavity to meet customers' requirements efficiently. In the past, we needed to make a mockup and experiment to get test results; now, we have advanced software that directly uses the 3D model to make the simulation without a physical sample. It helps significantly reduce costs and save time.

Check next: The structure of the sound hole.