Polar plot
The smart speaker is a quickly growing business in the current market of consumer electronic products in recent years. Most ID designs have a cylinder with a down-firing speaker that tries to radiate and spread sounds evenly in a 360-degree spatial effect to satisfy single or multiple users who will move around in the home. The array microphones with a proper algorithm are the same concept for receiving sound from users. The geometry of the diffuser and the distance between a diffuser and the speaker's diaphragm will influence how the sounds spread out and radiate in the environment.

Applying COMSOL Multiphysics (a Finite Element Analysis tool) to build a simulation model, we then predict the Polar Plot of the spreading sound, guided by an optimized diffuser in front of the speaker.

Generating the speaker in rated power selects a frequency to see the Sound Pressure Level spread out and radiate in the environment.

Select the surrounding axis and the frequencies to analyze the Polar Plot.

To analyze another surrounding axis.

Kingstate can suggest effective solutions to increase the sound pressure level if a specific frequency needs improvement. All improvements can be verified before making actual samples by y bbuilding simulation models to compare the performance of original and improved diffusers.

In this case, our customer wants to increase the loudness to 6 KHz; the simulation results confirm that the improvement works.